I've got a lot of opinions on all things art, an ever-growing curiosity in the three-ring circus known as American politics, and an undying fascination of anything which fits the category: "other."

I'm an artist with a lot of chaos in my head, with the aim of this site as a public outlet that's fun, unique, fresh, and all me.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Keep Me In Checklist

I list compulsively.

Very often I'll attempt to liven conversation amongst my friends and family with "What's your favorite..." or "Who's your top three..." Half of the time I'll offer my answer before they've even taken a breath.

At the end of every year, I cite to myself (and whoever loves me, no matter how little they might care) my Top Ten of the Year, in movies, albums, and songs.

This method, this constant need to number, to compare and contrast, to weed out the best and worst from the X, to RANK:

1) Keeps me fresh, hip, in-the-know (at least I tell myself this).
2) Keeps me up late at night.
3) Keeps me in check with my ever growing, ever evolving, sense of taste.

...I'm not even consciously doing it.

With all of that said, I will be using this page as a sort of checklist itself. Consider this my official, end-all-be-all, ULTIMATE, checklist.

Keep ME in checklist. ;)

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